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发表于 2022-4-23 12:03:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

数十年来,电子游戏的革命一直在进行中,从20世纪50年代简单的娱乐活动发展到如今无所不在的流行文化力量,与电影和电视剧相媲美,甚至可能很快超过。从一个次文化的消遣活动,电子游戏已经演变并超越了不同的类型,成为一种独特的表达形式,影响着从现代战争到人际关系的方方面面。《我,电子游戏》是对电子游戏和电子游戏玩家的过去、现在和未来进行全面而不断进步的探索。从Pong的早期时代到如今备受欢迎的Halo 2,从Atari 2600到任天堂和PlayStation, 《我,电子游戏》讲述了电子游戏背后的人们、意识形态和技术的故事,以及它们如何成为一种文化现象。游戏的进化使得摇摆的钟摆从模拟社会的游戏时代转向社会模仿游戏的时代。这个五集系列纪录片通过采访昨天和今天的游戏行业巨头,探讨了电子游戏的进化和其对当今娱乐界的文化影响。

“《我,电子游戏》是一个引人深思的‘摇滚纪录片’,它诞生于社会、政治和文化运动的影响之下。”探索频道国际部创意开发与品牌管理执行副总裁Rebecca Batties说道。“通过对游戏历史和艺术的新鲜视角,这部影片展示了探索频道对探索塑造我们现代世界的事件、趋势和发展的承诺。”在20世纪50年代,冷战迅速演变为美国和苏联这两个世界超级大国之间的紧张局势。相互保证的毁灭使得这个局势陷入了一种不稳定的僵局,但也推动了计算机技术发展,用于创建导弹模拟以预测核战争的结果。And so it was, in the year 1958, that this same computer technology was utilized to develop the first video game for a computer. Tennis for Two, a simulation game that allowed players to engage in a virtual game of tennis. It was a groundbreaking moment that marked the birth of a new form of interactive entertainment.The conquest of space and the Vietnam War also coincided with the rise of video games. Steve Russell's game, Spacewar!, became popular among computer scientists and military personnel who were fascinated by the idea of controlling spaceships in a virtual battle. It was a glimpse into the future of gaming.But it was Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari, who truly revolutionized the industry. With the release of Pong in 1972, Bushnell brought video games to the masses. Pong was a simple yet addictive game that simulated table tennis, and its success paved the way for the golden age of video games.Meanwhile, in post-war Japan, electronics and technology were instrumental in rebuilding a country devastated by the effects of the atomic bomb. It was in this environment that iconic games like Space Invaders and Pac-Man were born, capturing the imaginations of gamers around the world. These games became cultural phenomena, defining a generation and inspiring countless others to enter the world of video game creation.Steve Russell, Nolan Bushnell, Ralph Baer (often credited as the inventor of video games), and Toru Iwatani (creator of Pac-Man) are just a few of the key figures in the history of video games who are featured in this episode. Their contributions and innovations have shaped the industry and left a lasting impact on the world of entertainment.As the first episode of "I, VIDEOGAME" draws to a close, we are left with a sense of awe and wonder at the evolution of this medium. From the early days of simple simulations to the immersive and realistic experiences of today, video games have become a powerful force in our society. They have transcended the boundaries of entertainment and become a form of art, a means of expression, and a reflection of our ever-changing world.The journey has just begun, and we eagerly await the next installment of "I, VIDEOGAME," as it continues to explore the past, present, and future of this remarkable phenomenon.

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