小白兔 发表于 2022-8-4 10:00:14

人文历史纪录片《渔人的搏斗/致命捕猎 Deadliest Catch 2005-2022》第1-18季 英语中字-高清完整版网盘迅雷下载

人文历史纪录片《渔人的搏斗/致命捕猎 Deadliest Catch 2005-2022》第1-18季 英语中字-纪录片资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

又名:Deadliest Catch: Crab Fishing in Alaska/Alaskan Crab Fishing/致命捕猎/渔人的搏斗/恶海捕蟹记/致命捕捞;是美国制作公司Original Productions为探索频道制作的一档真人秀节目,记录了捕蟹船如何在白令海蟹季捕捉阿拉斯加帝王蟹和松叶蟹。该节目是在阿拉斯加帝王蟹季和松叶蟹季这两个捕蟹季,用捕蟹船在船上拍摄的。

本站收录的《渔人的搏斗/致命捕猎 Deadliest Catch 2005-2022》自2005年连载至今共制作18季,加幕后特辑共363集,除早期的第一季(第5集无字幕),第二季清晰度为720P,其他均为1080P无水印官方纯净版,字幕为外挂官方中文字幕(但是翻译并不太好),总大小约948G,加解压空间硬盘至少需要2T剩余大小才能全部解压。内容多文件大,可按需下载!

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第一季 全10集(11.9G) 外挂中字 720P 官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第二季 全12集(13.9G) 外挂中字 720P 官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第三季 全12集(28.5G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第四季 全16集(37.9G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第五季 全16集(37.9G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第六季 全16集(37.7G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第七季 全16集(40.2G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第八季 全16集(42.7G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第九季 全16集(39.3G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十季 全16集 9集幕后(85.2G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十一季 全18集 9集幕后(83.7G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十二季 全20集 4集幕后(99G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十三季 全19集 4集幕后(64G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十四季 全20集 8集幕后(85.6G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十五季 全21集 4集幕后(66.2G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十六季 全23集 7集幕后(69.8G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十七季 全22集(73.3G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十八季 全12集 1集幕后(30.3G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
探索频道《渔人的搏斗/致命捕猎 Deadliest Catch 2005-2022》第1-18季全363集 英语中字 官方纯净收藏版
探索频道《渔人的搏斗血脉篇 Deadliest Catch Bloodline 2022》第1-3季全26集 英语外挂中字 官方纯净版


《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第一季 全10集(11.9G) 目录
Deadliest Catch S01E01:Greenhorns 绿角
Deadliest Catch S01E02:Sleepless Nights 不眠之夜
Deadliest Catch S01E03:Lady Luck 幸运女神
Deadliest Catch S01E04:Beat the Clock 抢占时间
Deadliest Catch S01E05:Dead of Winter 寒冬之死
Deadliest Catch S01E06:Man Overboard 落水的人
Deadliest Catch S01E07:High Hopes 寄予厚望
Deadliest Catch S01E08:Good Fishing 好钓鱼
Deadliest Catch S01E09:The Clock、s Ticking 时间在催促
Deadliest Catch S01E10:The Final Run 最后的拼搏

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第二季 全12集(13.9G) 目录
Deadliest Catch S02E01:Heading Out to Sea 出海
Deadliest Catch S02E02:Batten Down the Hatches 压下舱口
Deadliest Catch S02E03:On the Crab 在螃蟹船上
Deadliest Catch S02E04:The Finish Line 终点线
Deadliest Catch S02E05:Friends and Rivals 朋友和对手
Deadliest Catch S02E06:A New Hunt Begins 新的狩猎开始
Deadliest Catch S02E07:Smoke on the Water 水面上的烟雾
Deadliest Catch S02E08:Man vs Ice 人与冰的对决
Deadliest Catch S02E09:On the Edge 在边缘
Deadliest Catch S02E10:Pribilof Stare 船长的凝视
Deadliest Catch S02E11:Race Against the Ice 冰雪赛跑
Deadliest Catch S02E12:Cashing In 兑现

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第三季 全12集(28.5G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S03E01:A Tragic Beginning 悲剧的开始
Deadliest Catch S03E02:The Unforgiving Sea 无情的大海
Deadliest Catch S03E03:Pain and Paybacks 痛苦与回报
Deadliest Catch S03E04:Cheating Death 躲过死神
Deadliest Catch S03E05:Bering Sea Salvation 白令海救助
Deadliest Catch S03E06:The Last Lap 最后一圈
Deadliest Catch S03E07:New Beginnings 新的开始
Deadliest Catch S03E08:Caught in the Storm 被困在风暴中
Deadliest Catch S03E09:Crossing the Line 越线
Deadliest Catch S03E10:Trials of the Greenhorns 新手的试炼
Deadliest Catch S03E11:Ice and Open Water 冰和开放水域
Deadliest Catch S03E12:A Frozen Finish 冰冻的结局

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第四季 全16集(37.9G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S04E01:Get‘Em Back Safe! 让他们安全回来!
Deadliest Catch S04E02:Striking Out 罢工
Deadliest Catch S04E03:A Numbers Game 数字游戏
Deadliest Catch S04E04:Unsafe and Unsound 不安全和不健全
Deadliest Catch S04E05:No Mercy 不留情面
Deadliest Catch S04E06:Racing the Clock 与时间赛跑
Deadliest Catch S04E07:Seeking the Catch 寻找捕获
Deadliest Catch S04E08:No Season for Old Men 老人没有季节
Deadliest Catch S04E09:Storm Season 暴风雨季节
Deadliest Catch S04E10:Blow Up 炸毁
Deadliest Catch S04E11:Big Weather, Big Trouble 坏天气,大麻烦
Deadliest Catch S04E12:Mortal Men 平凡人
Deadliest Catch S04E13:Fresh Blood 鲜血
Deadliest Catch S04E14:Changing Tides 变潮
Deadliest Catch S04E15:Catch as Catch Can 像爪一样抓
Deadliest Catch S04E16:The Final Hour 最后一小时

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第五季 全16集(37.9G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S05E01:Everything on the Line 万事俱备
Deadliest Catch S05E02:Red Skies in the Morning 早晨的红色天空
Deadliest Catch S05E03:Stay Focused or Die 保持专注或死亡
Deadliest Catch S05E04:Put Up or Shut Up 站起来还是闭嘴
Deadliest Catch S05E05:Long Haul, Short Fuses 长途,短保险丝
Deadliest Catch S05E06:Deadline 截止日期
Deadliest Catch S05E07:Down to the Wire 彻头彻尾
Deadliest Catch S05E08:Payback Time 回报时间
Deadliest Catch S05E09:No Second Chances 没有第二次机会
Deadliest Catch S05E10:Sea of Misery 苦难之海
Deadliest Catch S05E11:Lockout 锁定
Deadliest Catch S05E12:A Slap in the Face 一记耳光
Deadliest Catch S05E13:Ends of the Earth 天涯海角
Deadliest Catch S05E14:Bitter Tears 苦涩的眼泪
Deadliest Catch S05E15:Day of Reckoning 清算日
Deadliest Catch S05E16:Shipwrecked 海难

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第六季 全16集(37.7G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S06E01:Slow Burn 缓慢燃烧
Deadliest Catch S06E02:Breaking’Em In 打破
Deadliest Catch S06E03:Sea Tested 体验
Deadliest Catch S06E04:Bering Sea Swim Club 白令海游泳俱乐部
Deadliest Catch S06E05:Arctic Quest 极地冒险
Deadliest Catch S06E06:False Pass 假传球
Deadliest Catch S06E07:When Hell Freezes Over 当地狱结冰时
Deadliest Catch S06E08:We:re Not in Kansas Anymore 我们:不在堪萨斯了
Deadliest Catch S06E09:Glory Days 光辉岁月
Deadliest Catch S06E10:The Darkened Seas 黑暗的海洋
Deadliest Catch S06E11:Blown Off Course 风吹走了一切
Deadliest Catch S06E12:Empty Throne 空的王座
Deadliest Catch S06E13:Cain and Abel 盖隐和亚伯
Deadliest Catch S06E14:Redemption Day 救赎日
Deadliest Catch S06E15:Valhalla 瓦尔哈拉
Deadliest Catch S06E16:Endless 无尽

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第七季 全16集(40.2G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S07E01:New Blood 新鲜血液
Deadliest Catch S07E02:Proving Grounds 试验场
Deadliest Catch S07E03:Old Age and Treachery~1 晚年与背叛
Deadliest Catch S07E04:Breaking Point 断点
Deadliest Catch S07E05:A Wing and a Prayer 翅膀和祈祷
Deadliest Catch S07E06:Exit Wounds 伤口
Deadliest Catch S07E07:Thick as Thieves 像盗贼一样厚实
Deadliest Catch S07E08:Graduation Day 毕业典礼
Deadliest Catch S07E09:Sea Change 巨变
Deadliest Catch S07E10:Frontier Medicine 现场医疗
Deadliest Catch S07E11:Birds, Bones and Blood 鸟,骨头和血
Deadliest Catch S07E12:Not All Mai Tais and Yahtzee
Deadliest Catch S07E13:Pirate School 海盗学校
Deadliest Catch S07E14:The Island 岛屿
Deadliest Catch S07E15:I Smell a Nightmare 我闻到噩梦的味道
Deadliest Catch S07E16:Mohawks and Madness 莫霍克和疯狂

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第八季 全16集(42.7G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S08E01:The Gamble 赌博
Deadliest Catch S08E02:Turf War 地盘大战
Deadliest Catch S08E03:Weak Links 薄弱环节
Deadliest Catch S08E04:The Hook 钩子
Deadliest Catch S08E05:Alien Abduction 外星人绑架
Deadliest Catch S08E06:Vital Signs 生命体征
Deadliest Catch S08E07:I Don‘t Wanna Die 我不想死
Deadliest Catch S08E08:The Aftermath 后果
Deadliest Catch S08E09:Nowhere to Go But Down 无处可去,只能继续
Deadliest Catch S08E10:Rise and Fall 兴衰
Deadliest Catch S08E11:No Exit 没有退路
Deadliest Catch S08E12:Collision Course 碰撞路线
Deadliest Catch S08E13:Landlocked 内陆
Deadliest Catch S08E14:Fearless Leaders 无畏的领袖
Deadliest Catch S08E15:Release the Beast 释放野兽
Deadliest Catch S08E16:The Bitter, Bloody End 苦涩的血腥结局

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第九季 全16集(39.3G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S09E01:Mutiny on the Bering Sea 白令海的叛乱
Deadliest Catch S09E02:Dagger in the Back 背后的匕首
Deadliest Catch S09E03:Blood in the Morning 早晨的鲜血
Deadliest Catch S09E04:The Crooke and the Tangler 克鲁克与缠结者
Deadliest Catch S09E05:Judgment Day 审判日
Deadliest Catch S09E06:Fist to the Face 拳头打脸
Deadliest Catch S09E07:Goodbye Jake 再见杰克
Deadliest Catch S09E08:Kicking Off With a Bang 从一声巨响开始
Deadliest Catch S09E09:The Storm of the Season 季节风暴
Deadliest Catch S09E10:Sleeping With the Enemy 与敌人同眠
Deadliest Catch S09E11:We:re Not Gonna Take It 我们:不会接受
Deadliest Catch S09E12:Listing Lover 家人
Deadliest Catch S09E13:So You Wanna Be a Boat Owner 想成为船主
Deadliest Catch S09E14:Ship of Iron, Men of Steel 钢铁之船
Deadliest Catch S09E15:Man Overboard 落水的人
Deadliest Catch S09E16:The Final Battle 最后的战斗

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十季 全16集 9集幕后(85.2G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S10E01:Careful What You Wish For 小心你的愿望
Deadliest Catch S10E02:Family Affair 家事
Deadliest Catch S10E03:Darwin’s Law 达尔文定律
Deadliest Catch S10E04:Against the Law 违反法律
Deadliest Catch S10E05:On The Rocks 在岩石上
Deadliest Catch S10E06:Falling Down 坠落
Deadliest Catch S10E07:Lost at Sea 迷失在海上
Deadliest Catch S10E08:Cornelia Marie Blue 科妮莉亚玛丽蓝
Deadliest Catch S10E09:Skipper Harris in Training 训练中的船长哈里斯
Deadliest Catch S10E11:Blonde Ambition 金发野心
Deadliest Catch S10E12:Women Drivers 女车手
Deadliest Catch S10E13:Greatest Game Ever Fished 最伟大的游戏
Deadliest Catch S10E14:Breaking Mandy 打破曼迪
Deadliest Catch S10E15:Sabotage 破坏
Deadliest Catch S10E16:My Name Is the Lord 我的名字是主
Deadliest Catch S10E102:Legend of the Northwestern 西北传奇
Deadliest Catch S10E104:Sacked! 被解雇!
Deadliest Catch S10E105:Think Like a Captain 像船长一样思考
Deadliest Catch S10E106:Out of Bounds 出界
Deadliest Catch S10E107:The Comeback Kid 复出小子
Deadliest Catch S10E108:Miracle on Ice 冰上奇迹
Deadliest Catch S10E109:Hit the Showers 淋浴
Deadliest Catch S10E10:Fisherman:s Daughter 渔夫的女儿
Deadliest Catch S10E110:Unnecessary Roughness 不必要的粗糙度
Deadliest Catch S10E112:Touchdown 达阵

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十一季 全18集 9集幕后(83.7G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S11E01:A Brotherhood Tested 兄弟的考验
Deadliest Catch S11E02:Prodigal Son 浪子
Deadliest Catch S11E03:The Ultimatum 最后通牒
Deadliest Catch S11E04:Super Typhoon Part 1 超级台风1
Deadliest Catch S11E05:Super Typhoon Part 2 超级台风2
Deadliest Catch S11E06:Wasted Talent 浪费的人才
Deadliest Catch S11E07:Heavy Lies The Crown 沉重的王冠
Deadliest Catch S11E08:Zero Hour 零时
Deadliest Catch S11E09:Hell‘s Bells 地狱之钟
Deadliest Catch S11E10:Lunatic Fringe 疯狂边缘
Deadliest Catch S11E11:New Captain on the Block 街区的新船长
Deadliest Catch S11E12:5-Year Storm Part 1 5 年风暴1
Deadliest Catch S11E13:5-Year Storm Part 2 5 年风暴2
Deadliest Catch S11E14:Bite the Hand 咬手
Deadliest Catch S11E15:New Blood, Old Wounds 新血,旧伤
Deadliest Catch S11E16:Beastmode 野兽模式
Deadliest Catch S11E17:I’m the Captain 我:是船长
Deadliest Catch S11E18:We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight 我们还没有开始战斗
Deadliest Catch S11E103:Baiting Up and Boxing Out 诱饵和拳击
Deadliest Catch S11E104:Legend of the Cornelia Marie 科妮莉亚玛丽的传说
Deadliest Catch S11E106:Band of Bering Sea Brothers 白令海兄弟乐队
Deadliest Catch S11E107:Firestorm 火风暴
Deadliest Catch S11E108:A Stocking Full of Crab 满是螃蟹的长袜
Deadliest Catch S11E109:Young Guns at the Helm 掌舵的年轻枪手
Deadliest Catch S11E110:Fishing in the Ditch 在沟里钓鱼
Deadliest Catch S11E112:Asleep at the Wheel 在方向盘上睡着了
Deadliest Catch S11E114:The Final Countdown 最后的倒计时

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十二季 全20集 4集幕后(99G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S12E01:Carpe Diem 及时行乐
Deadliest Catch S12E02:First Timers 初学者
Deadliest Catch S12E03:Legend Of The Wizard 巫师传奇
Deadliest Catch S12E04:No Good Deed 没有善行
Deadliest Catch S12E05:Swedish Twins 瑞典双胞胎
Deadliest Catch S12E06:Million-Dollar Bet 百万美元的赌注
Deadliest Catch S12E07:100‘ Injury Rate 受伤率
Deadliest Catch S12E08:Cold War 冷战
Deadliest Catch S12E09:Winter is Coming 冬天来了
Deadliest Catch S12E10:Into the Gale 大风中
Deadliest Catch S12E11:Proving Grounds 试验场
Deadliest Catch S12E12:Raw Deal 原始交易
Deadliest Catch S12E13:Settling the Score 解决分数
Deadliest Catch S12E14:Fire at Sea: Part 1 海上火灾1
Deadliest Catch S12E15:Fire at Sea: Part 2 海上火灾2
Deadliest Catch S12E16:Blood and Guts 鲜血和内脏
Deadliest Catch S12E17:Life or Death Decision 生死抉择
Deadliest Catch S12E18:The Widowmaker: Part 1 寡妇制造者1
Deadliest Catch S12E19:The Widowmaker: Part 2 寡妇制造者2
Deadliest Catch S12E20:Sig Hansen Legacy 西格汉森遗产
Deadliest Catch S12E101:Deadliest Catch Season in Hell 最致命的捕捞季节
Deadliest Catch S12E102:Real-Time from Dutch Harbor 来自荷兰港
Deadliest Catch S12E105:The Face of Fear 恐惧的面孔
Deadliest Catch S12E107:Beaten and Battered 殴打和殴打

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十三季 全19集 4集幕后(64G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S13E01 Uncharted Territory 未知领域
Deadliest Catch S13E02 Seismic Shift 地震变化
Deadliest Catch S13E03 Down in Flames 火焰中坠落
Deadliest Catch S13E04 Crushing Blows 粉碎打击
Deadliest Catch S13E05 Bad Moon 坏月亮
Deadliest Catch S13E06 Hail Mary, Full Of Crab 冰雹玛丽,满是螃蟹
Deadliest Catch S13E07 Poisoned at Sea 在海上中毒
Deadliest Catch S13E08 40-Foot Monsters 英尺怪物
Deadliest Catch S13E09 The Russian Line 俄罗斯线
Deadliest Catch S13E10 Back to the Killing Season 回到杀戮季节
Deadliest Catch S13E11 Hurricane Alley 飓风巷
Deadliest Catch S13E12 Arctic Mega Storm 北极超级风暴
Deadliest Catch S13E13 Dead-Stick 死-棒
Deadliest Catch S13E14 450 Mile Storm450 英里风暴
Deadliest Catch S13E15 Respect Earned 赢得尊重
Deadliest Catch S13E16 Man Down 倒下的人
Deadliest Catch S13E17 Hillstrand’s Last Catch 最后一次捕捞
Deadliest Catch S13E18 Lost at Sea 在海上丢失
Deadliest Catch S13E19 Last Damn Arctic Storm 该死的北极风暴
Deadliest Catch S13E102 Evolution of Danger 危险进化
Deadliest Catch S13E103 The Legend Of Wild Bill 野比尔传奇
Deadliest Catch S13E104 A Hillstrand 4th of July 月 4 日的希尔斯特兰德
Deadliest Catch S13E105 Johnathan Hillstrand Legacy 乔纳森·希尔斯特兰德遗产

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十四季 全20集 8集幕后(85.6G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S14E01 Battle Lines 战线
Deadliest Catch S14E02 First Blood 第一滴血
Deadliest Catch S14E03 Dead in the Water 死在水中
Deadliest Catch S14E04 Salt Wounds 盐伤
Deadliest Catch S14E05 Collision Void 碰撞虚空
Deadliest Catch S14E06 Arctic Hurricane 北极飓风
Deadliest Catch S14E07 Clash of Kings 列王之战
Deadliest Catch S14E08 Becoming Captain 成为船长
Deadliest Catch S14E09 Purgatory 炼狱
Deadliest Catch S14E10 Winter s Curse 冬天的诅咒
Deadliest Catch S14E11 Blackout 停电
Deadliest Catch S14E112 Salt and Steel 盐与钢
Deadliest Catch S14E12 Winter s Fury 冬天的愤怒
Deadliest Catch S14E13 Baptism by Fire 火的洗礼
Deadliest Catch S14E14 Supermoon Storm 超级月亮风暴
Deadliest Catch S14E15 Greenhorn Overboard 绿角落水
Deadliest Catch S14E16 Turf Wars 地盘大战
Deadliest Catch S14E17 No Safe Harbor 没有安全港
Deadliest Catch S14E18 Blood and Water 血与水
Deadliest Catch S14E19 Storm Surge 风暴潮
Deadliest Catch S14E20 Battle Scars 战痕
Deadliest Catch S14E104 Legend of Jake Anderson 杰克安德森传奇
Deadliest Catch S14E105 Coast Guard Heroes 海岸警卫队英雄
Deadliest Catch S14E106 Bering Sea Triangle 白令海三角
Deadliest Catch S14E107 Surviving Winter s Wrath 幸存的寒冬之怒
Deadliest Catch S14E108 Breakdowns at Sea 故障
Deadliest Catch S14E110 Trial by Captain 船长的试验
Deadliest Catch S14E111 Every Crabber s Nightmare 每个螃蟹的噩梦

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十五季 全21集 4集幕后(66.2G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S15E01:Battle of Kings 王者之战
Deadliest Catch S15E02:Super Swarm 超级虫群
Deadliest Catch S15E03:Knife in the Ribs 肋骨中的刀
Deadliest Catch S15E04:Single Point of Failure 单点故障
Deadliest Catch S15E05:Shifting Stack 移位堆栈
Deadliest Catch S15E06:Blood in the Water 水中的鲜血
Deadliest Catch S15E07:Winter is Here 冬天来了
Deadliest Catch S15E08:Tough Inheritance 艰难的传承
Deadliest Catch S15E09:Russian Roulette 俄罗斯轮盘赌
Deadliest Catch S15E10:Curse of the Russian Line 俄罗斯线的诅咒
Deadliest Catch S15E11:Hell Hath No Fury 地狱无怒
Deadliest Catch S15E12:Sixty-Foot Monster 六十尺怪物
Deadliest Catch S15E13:Crane Wreck 起重机残骸
Deadliest Catch S15E14:Devil:s Cut 恶魔之切
Deadliest Catch S15E15:Unbreakable 牢不可破
Deadliest Catch S15E16:Hell or High Water 地狱或高水位
Deadliest Catch S15E17:Unholy Alliance 邪恶联盟
Deadliest Catch S15E18:Dark Ship 黑暗之船
Deadliest Catch S15E19:Time and Tide Wait for No Man 时间和潮汐
Deadliest Catch S15E20:Dead or Alive 死或生
Deadliest Catch S15E21:Now or Never 现在或永远
Deadliest Catch S15E101:Unfinished Business 未竟之事
Deadliest Catch S15E102:Born Into Chaos 生于混沌
Deadliest Catch S15E104:Tortured to Greatness 最致命的渔获
Deadliest Catch S15E106:The Making of Deadliest Catch 致命的渔获的制作

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十六季 全23集 7集幕后(69.8G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S16E01:Cold War Rivals 冷战对手
Deadliest Catch S16E02:Typhoon Hagibis 台风海贝思
Deadliest Catch S16E03:Breaking Point 断点
Deadliest Catch S16E04:Shotguns and Fist Fights 霰弹枪和拳头
Deadliest Catch S16E05:Double Agent 双重特工
Deadliest Catch S16E06:The Bleeding Edge 出血边缘
Deadliest Catch S16E07:Into the Red 进入红色
Deadliest Catch S16E08:Mayday Mayday 求救求救
Deadliest Catch S16E09:Cold War Heating Up 冷战升温
Deadliest Catch S16E10:Harm’s Way 危害
Deadliest Catch S16E112:Sinking of F:V Scandies Rose 沉没
Deadliest Catch S16E11:Chase Boat Rescue 追逐船救援
Deadliest Catch S16E12:Dutch Harbor Double Cross 荷兰港双十字
Deadliest Catch S16E13:Bomb Cyclone 炸弹旋风
Deadliest Catch S16E14:Bering Sea Crash 白令海空难
Deadliest Catch S16E15:Gut Instinct 直觉
Deadliest Catch S16E16:Bering Sea Wrecking Ball 白令海破坏球
Deadliest Catch S16E17:Danger Close 危险解除
Deadliest Catch S16E18:Like Father Like Daughter 像父亲像女儿
Deadliest Catch S16E19:Rogue Wave Juggernaut 流氓波剑圣
Deadliest Catch S16E20:A Problem Like Maria 像玛丽亚这样的问题
Deadliest Catch S16E21:End of the Beginning 开始的结束
Deadliest Catch S16E22:Blood is Thicker Than Water 血浓于水
Deadliest Catch S16E23:Everything Changes 一切都变了
Deadliest Catch S16E101:Before the Catch 捕获之前
Deadliest Catch S16E103:The New Cornelia Marie 新科妮莉亚玛丽
Deadliest Catch S16E104:Harris Bloodline 哈里斯血统
Deadliest Catch S16E105:Too Close for Comfort 生病了
Deadliest Catch S16E107:The Better Captain 更好的船长
Deadliest Catch S16E108:Big New Boat 大新船

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十八季 全12集 1集幕后(30.3G) 目录(机翻)
Deadliest Catch S18E01:Long Live King Crab! 帝王蟹万岁
Deadliest Catch S18E02:No Sleep Till Rescue 不睡觉直到救援
Deadliest Catch S18E03:One Hell of a Story to Tell 一个地狱般的故事
Deadliest Catch S18E04:Invasive Russian Reds 入侵
Deadliest Catch S18E05:Desperate Measures 绝招
Deadliest Catch S18E06:Brother in the Bight 海湾兄弟
Deadliest Catch S18E07:Follow the Rainbow 跟随彩虹
Deadliest Catch S18E08:Deepest Alaska 阿拉斯加深处
Deadliest Catch S18E09:Rip Tide 激流
Deadliest Catch S18E107:
Deadliest Catch Trailer 预告片
Deadliest Catch S18E10:Dark Waters 黑暗水域
Deadliest Catch S18E11:No Good Deed Unpunished 逍遥法外
Deadliest Catch S18E12:Sailor‘s Delight 水手的喜悦


人文历史纪录片《渔人的搏斗/致命捕猎 Deadliest Catch 2005-2022》第1-18季 英语中字-纪录片资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

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