小白兔 发表于 2017-10-23 00:00:00

探索频道《埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017》全6集-高清完整版下载

探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
第一集:埃德·史塔佛之求生之路/单挑荒野绝境 第一集:马达加斯加 Ed Stafford Left For Dead Madagascar 2017
第二集:埃德·史塔佛之求生之路/单挑荒野绝境 第二集:保加利亚洛多皮山脉 Ed Stafford Left For Dead Bulgaria The Rhodope Mountains 2017
第三集:埃德·史塔佛之求生之路/单挑荒野绝境 第三集 蒙古:阿尔泰山脉 Ed Stafford Left For Dead Mongolia: The Altai 2017
第四集:埃德·史塔佛之求生之路/单挑荒野绝境 第四集 老挝:安南山脉 Ed Stafford Left For Dead Laos: The Annamite Mountains 2017
第五集:埃德·史塔佛之求生之路/单挑荒野绝境 第五集 玻利维亚:阿塔卡马沙漠 Ed Stafford Left For Dead Bolivia: The Atacama Desert 2017
第六集:埃德·史塔佛之求生之路/单挑荒野绝境 第六集 巴拿马:达连沼泽 Ed Stafford Left For Dead Panama: The Darien Gap 2017
1. Madagascar: The Coastal Mangroves | Tuesday 31 October at 9.30pm AEDT / 9:25pm NZ
Home to a unique range of wildlife found nowhere else on Earth, Ed is in Madagascar taking on a vast array of tough landscapes. Ed starts his journey in a tidal mangrove system with ten days to make it up the coast to a fishing village, civilisation and his ticket out. He soon discovers the size of the challenge ahead as tidal waters race in around him, leaving him stranded on his own newly formed desert island. With little chance of finding food or fresh water, this is no paradise for Ed. Struggling through waist-deep mud, he must escape to dry land and the iconic baobab forests in the distance. On Ed’s survival menu are fertilised bird eggs, snakes and mud crabs, but they are not easy to track down and Ed is forced to rely on new levels of ingenuity to find water in the parched land.
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
2. Bulgaria: The Rhodope Mountains| Tuesday 7 November at 9.30pm AEDT / 9:25pm NZ
Ed has been left for dead in Southern Bulgaria’s mighty Rhodope Mountains. Riven with deep gorges and precipitous peaks over 2,000 metres high, these lands are home to a large population of brown bears, the biggest of which stand over 2.5 metres tall when fully upright. Ed is dropped by helicopter on top of a mountain peak and set the challenge of reaching civilisation within his ten day limit. Plagued by ever-changing mountain weather and the constant threat of bears, Ed will attempt to survive on a meagre diet of snails, wild plants and a mouse. With no supplies and no tools to build with, he is forced to shelter in bear caves and carve his way through acres of forest while battling hunger and fatigue.
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
3. Mongolia: The Altai | Tuesday 14 November at 9.30pm AEDT / 9:25pm NZ
Ed is being dropped in the Altai Mountains – a vast, isolated range bordering Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan and China. In the shadow of Mongolia’s highest peak (4,374 metres), Tavn Bogd, Ed has set a mission to make it across the range to a nomadic settlement on the Russian frontier. He faces ferocious mountain winds and bone-shattering temperatures, dropping to almost -20C, as he battles his way towards the mountain foothills. Sacrificing comfort for progress, Ed suffers with no shelter and no fire. As conditions deteriorate the only resource he can find is a sheepskin with rotting meat. Digging deep, Ed risks a deadly climb into the snow and is forced to dig an emergency snow hole to survive the night. The human body isn’t designed to survive these conditions. Can he battle mountains, snow and the limitations of his body and mind to reach the nomadic settlement?
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
4. Laos: The Annamite Mountains
| Tuesday 21 November at 9.30pm AEDT / 9:25pm NZ
Laos is home to stunning landscapes, sheer limestone cliffs and mysterious hidden valleys. It is also littered with thousands of landmines left in the wake of the Indo-China war. This is the land Ed needs to conquer as he faces one of his most challenging terrains yet. Surrounded by 150-metre limestone cliffs in the Annamite Mountains, his ticket out of this treacherous landscape is less than 50 kilometres away but he has no way of scaling the walls of sedimentary rock that have dominated this region for many centuries. Hemmed in by the cliffs and confronted by vast hidden valleys, Ed builds a makeshift raft and attempts to circumnavigate the obstacles in his path, by paddling down one of the powerful rivers that has carved routes through the limestone. Running out of options, Ed needs to decide whether to risk going deep into the network of limestone caves to escape this remarkable landscape.
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
5. Bolivia: The Atacama Desert
| Tuesday 28 November at 9.30pm AEDT / 9:25pm NZ
The Atacama Desert is the highest, driest desert in the world and is outside of the Polar regions – in some spots it has less than an inch of rainfall per year. Landing in its isolated high plains, Ed stumbles across a desert river system that could be a lifeline towards his exit rendezvous at a mine about 50 kilometres away, across seemingly endless deep, rocky gorges. Navigating by the sun should be possible with more than 12 hours of light each day, but Ed soon becomes disorientated in the blazing heat. Ed heads down into a gorge in the hope of finding water and a route out of this punishing environment and he spots a dead llama, but it has been rotting in the sun. As ever, Ed must rely on his survival experience and ingenuity to come up with a plan that could see him nourished enough to take on the long and perilous canyon system. But even if he finds food, can he find a way to cross this arid land to reach safety?
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
6. Panama: The Darien Gap
| Tuesday 5 December at 9.30pm AEDT / 9:25pm NZ
Dropped on Panama’s Pacific Coast, Ed faces a gruelling ten day hike through the notorious Darien Gap. The Darien is known as one of the most dangerous stretches of jungle on the planet – this is a region that Ed has always revered and wanted to take on since he started exploring the world. He’s now faced with the daunting prospect of 10 days alone in a jungle that is home to dangerous wildlife (including the venomous fer-de-lance snake) and has been used for decades as a drug-runners’ thoroughfare between South and North America. The Darien Gap stands between him and the endpoint with his rescue team at a village airstrip deep in the jungle. Ed battles thirst as he struggles to find water during one of the driest seasons in years. Can he track down and identify some of the edible plant life to sustain himself or catch fish in the river systems that crisscross this treacherous jungle landscape, or will he be left for dead?
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
退役后,艾德以其领导能力与户外技能成为前慈善机构Trekforce的远征队队长。他带领志工团队组成社区与保育远征队,深入贝里斯、瓜地马拉与婆罗洲丛林,后来升任为Trekforce 的贝里斯总指挥,掌管该国国内所有相关业务运作。
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
重返远征生涯的艾德再度接下新挑战,他为远征探险公司GVI筹组阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚的严寒天气远征队。艾德担任GVI 的阿根廷专案主任,主掌阿根廷分公司,负责执行科学研究计画,以及横越智利的巴塔哥尼亚北部冰冠之旅。
2007年,艾德受邀与BBC的自然史部门合作。艾德签下合约飞往盖亚那,主掌在当地雨林中央建造摄製基地营的事宜。在建造期间,艾德管理35位原住民;拍摄团队在九週后抵达当地准备开始拍摄Lost Land Of The Jaguar时,艾德便成为营地的后勤经理;艾德也在该片中短暂现身,在节目开场为主持人进行安全简报。
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
在艾德与Discovery频道合作的第一部节目《徒步亚马逊河 Walking the Amazon》中,他沿著亚马逊河步行了860天。这是历来为期最长的丛林远征,也是史上第一次有人徒步走完全程。他这项打破金氏世界纪录的壮举登上全球头条新闻,就连雷诺夫费恩斯爵士也说:「非常了不起… 这是古往今来最伟大的远征冒险之一。」这个经验从此转移了艾德的重心,他从原本在危险环境管理并领导团队,转而利用自己的远征技能教育大众,让大家了解环境相关议题,并鼓励其他人努力实现看似遥不可及的目标。
单挑荒野 Marooned With Ed Stafford
探索频道 埃德·史塔佛之求生之路 Ed Stafford Left For Dead 2017
《单挑神秘地表 Ed Stafford: Into the Unknown》
《单挑荒野 Marooned With Ed Stafford》
《只身在荒岛 Naked Castaway》
《单挑神秘地表 Ed Stafford: Into the Unknown》


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